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Trevor Aaron "MACKDADDY" Mack - Online Memorial Website

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Trevor Mack
Born in Wisconsin
26 years
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There are so many memories of Trevor that I have and I didn't know him as long as some people, but my fair share built up in the 5 years I was blessed to have him in my life. First and foremost, he's the reason I'm married to the wonderful man I am. I thank him for that every single day.

There this memory that keeps standing out to me and it was at Travis' parents house. Trevor, Jason Miller, myself and Travis decided to get our drink on out there one night. We sat around and bullshitted for a while before heading to the bar. I managed to convince Trevor not to take his motorcycle, I still can't remember what I said to him. Anyway, once we got back to Trav's parents house, we sat around the bar out back and goofed around drunkinly as normal. Finally around 3am, I went in the house after I STEARNLY warned the boys not to get on that motorcycle. I couldn't have been in the house more than 3 minutes and I hear the bike start up. I get up, walk outside as quietly as possible and Trevor notices me and yells to Trav, "Quick! Shut it off!" as he dives behind the motorcycle pretending to be incognito. He shouts out, "She isn't sleeping, we've been spotted!" Travis looks at me all drunken and says, "Honey, we'll be good." Trevor piped up and added his hilarious little comments while Jay tried to convince me that they were fine to drive. I had to sit out there forever before Travis just took off on the bike (mind you, the headlight worked when it wanted to). He drove a little while, came back, with no headlight and I got them to leave it alone. I brought Trav in the house and come 6am, I get a phone call from Trevor. HE'S STILL SITTING AT THE BAR OUTSIDE. His message is all slurred, but he tells me to drag my ass out of bed and get out there to party with them because they have to have Jay home in 20 minutes.....Another call comes at 8am, they were still out there.....

well, needless to say they didn't party the next night but I miss those nights, I really do. Where Trev was always there to make sure you were okay....

I love you Trevor.

Total Memories: 6
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